MyoRei Flow by Anna Lougari

Self-Discovery & Deep Healing

Just like You

Are you struggling to overcome your past traumas and find your purpose in life? Do you feel stuck in a cycle of stress and emotional pain, unable to express your true self? Join me in a journey to self-discovery and healing.

Childhood Traumas and Beliefs

I know how you feel because I have been there too. My childhood and adult life were marked by multiple traumas and beliefs deriving from my family environment. From dealing with narcissists to experiencing a lack of love expression, sexual harassment, and bullying. I created a persona that hid my emotions and boosted my ego as a way to feel safe.

Struggling with Perfectionism and Unhealthy Empathy

Despite practicing yoga and meditation for more than 15 years, I couldn’t break through the wall I had created to protect my fragile and hurt heart. I became a perfectionist and an unhealthy empath, which added stress to my life and impacted my body and mind.

Facing My Fears and Taking Charge

It wasn’t until I faced my two biggest fears simultaneously in 2012 that I realised I needed to change. I needed to take charge of my life. I decided to trust myself and not let anyone else convince me that they knew what was best for me.

Discovering Reiki: A Gift from the Universe

Reiki came into my life a few years later when I was struggling to process my unhealed traumas. It was a moment of desperation when I cried out to the Universe and received a vision. That vision led me to self-initiate into Reiki. Without knowing what was that I was doing, I kept going as it made me feel better. It was the biggest gift I could have ever experienced, and it changed my life.We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.

Becoming a Reiki Master and Practicing Energy Healing

Since then, I have practiced energy healing and cleansing on people, pets, babies, and spaces. Reiki helped me heal my energy centers, gain mental clarity, and express my emotions safely. It allowed me to work on forgiving myself and others, leading to true self-love and acceptance.

Utilizing the Power of Neuroscience and Integrating Healing Modalities

As a life coach and breath-work practitioner, I’ve witnessed the transformative effects of combining holistic healing methods. From reiki, feng shui and crystal therapy to meditation and life coaching. Each approach has enhanced my clients’ well-being in remarkable ways. Moreover, I’ve found that when we integrate the knowledge available by neuroscience we can unleash a powerful synergy. That synergy can help effectively tap into the mind-body-soul connection like never before.

Breath-work is key to a good life

I’ve had the privilege of helping many people through breath-work practice, including life-threatening situations where every second counts. By applying breath-work techniques, I’ve been able to calm panicked individuals and stabilise their breathing. I’ve been able to give people a chance to recover and seek further medical assistance. My ever-growing knowledge of neuroscience and holistic lifestyle practices has enabled me to craft personalised sessions that cater to each individual’s unique needs and goals. By unlocking the full potential of these transformative tools, I’ve empowered my clients to live their best lives. Achieve true holistic wellness.

Mission in Life: Guiding Others to Self-Discovery and Glow

My mission in life is to guide others to self-discovery and healing. I want to show you how incredible your spirit is and help you find your own path to glow. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and healing! I promise to share everything I have learned and continue to learn.

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